Call Centre Services

As customer behaviour and mindset continue to diversify, customer services at contact centres become ever more critical. transcosmos helps clients build and operate strategic contact centres that support dialogue with their customers via various communication channels.

Digital Communication Services

Support diversified channels

  • Offer non-voice services for smartphone users on top of traditional contact center services to support diverse, essential channels
  • Chat operators and chat-bots offer non-voice services
  • Help clients increase sales and boost customer satisfaction

Contact Center Consulting Services

Support designing contact centers that meet the business objectives

  • Visualize contact center’s missions and identify challenges
  • Rebuild and create ideal contact centers by developing improvement plans
  • Develop and apply quality management criteria and the cycle

Platform Services

Support implementation and operation of communication channels

  • A cloud-based service centrally manages customer inquiries received via every possible channel.
    The platform has an ability to work with cutting-edge technologies that include voice recognition, bot and AI.


transcosmos has call center services that can strongly support a customer’s marketing activities, tailored to various industries regardless of language.

ManufacturePre-sale inquires Post-sale inquires Customer registration Technical support Repairs support Emergency recallEmergency recall Shareholder voting collection support Customer satisfaction survey Telesales TelemarketingTechnical support Pre-sales inquires Post-sales inquiries Repairs support Emergency notification system
TelecommunicationsInformation desk Subscription / unsubscription processing Troubleshooting support Screening registration Customer retention Smartphone support Opening support Help desk Content support Billing inquiries Recall supportSubscription promotion Surveys Direct mail follow-up Visitor promotion Appointment acquisition Customer satisfaction survey Payment collection support Cancellation preventionInformation desk Subscribe / unsubscribe processing Pricing inquires Troubleshooting support Screening registration Smartphone support Broadband support Content support Billing inquiries Emergency notification system
GovernmentGovernment / local government inquiries Emergency support Government / local government application processing Customer center Tax return processingSurveys Bill payment support Contract acquisitionGovernment / local government inquiries Government / local government application processing Customer center Bill payment support
DistributionOrder processing (including pharmaceuticals, alcohol, and cigarette) Ticket reservation Application processing Customer consultation Customer inquiries Store inquiries Emergency contact informationNew customers acquisition Customer retention Reactivation of dormant customers Payment collection support Direct mail follow-up Survey / analysis Mystery callApplication processing Customer consultation Customer inquiries Order processing (including pharmaceuticals, alcohol, and cigarette) Ticket reservation Emergency notification system
TravelBrochure request inquiries Booking service Travel planning consultation Customer support Ticket booking service Emergency contact informationBooking follow-up Payment collection support New customers acquisition Direct mail follow-up Survey / analysisBrochure request inquiries Travel planning consultation Customer support Booking service Emergency notification system
FinanceFinancial product consultation Financial product application processing Foreign currency deposit / investment trust / insurance inquiries Online banking inquiries Emergency hotline Mobile banking inquiries Mortgage inquiries Aggregating incoming calls of sales offices Aggregating incoming calls of branches Transfer agency operationDirect mail follow-up Shareholder voting collection support Loan promotionOnline banking inquiries Mobile banking inquiries Financial product consultation Financial product application Mortgage inquiries Emergency notification system
SecuritySecurities account opening support Stock order / investment trust processing Online trade support Security administration Brochure request inquiries Emergency hotlineShareholder voting collection support Operation support Account opening support Direct mail follow-upBrochure request inquiries Securities account opening Online trade support Shareholder voting collection support Emergency notification system
Payment cardSupport desk Co-branded card inquiries Credit card application processing Revolving payments reception Brochure request inquiries Credit card replacement processing Emergency hotlineCustomer service inquiries Operation support Identity verification Revolving payments support Group contract promotion Card application confirmation Initial demand for payment Direct mail follow-up Incorrect application confirmationSupport desk Brochure request inquiries Credit card initiation Revolving payments support Card application confirmation Emergency notification system
InsuranceBrochure request inquiries Maintenance operation Emergency contact information Accident reporting response (including roadside assistance) Contract confirmation Insurance agency help deskNew customer acquisition Contract confirmation Brochure request follow-up Notification of expiration date Contract renewal Confirmation of revocationBrochure request inquiries Accident report reception (including roadside assistance) Contract confirmation Notification of expiration date Contract renewal Emergency notification system


Back-Office Services

Support non-core, back-office tasks

  • Provide one-stop support for back-office tasks in accounting, human resources and administration departments
  • Enable sales department to focus on their core tasks by providing support for creating sales report, managing customer and product information, making various application forms, making arrangements, managing contracts, creating quotation and processing expenses
  • Reduce cost and improve productivity by leveraging our offshore bases

Document Solution Services

Process mass data at low cost

  • Digitalize and encrypt reports and personal information documents by cooperating with data centers in Japan that are compliant with security guidelines recommended by FISC (The Center for Financial Industry Information Systems)
  • Decrypt the encrypted data and perform data entry in offshore bases with the operational framework which matches with the task volume
  • Recompose the reports and documents into divided digital data to prevent identifying the original personal information during the data entry process

Website Operation Services

Build framework for global website operation

  • Build cost efficient framework while securing quality by cooperating with Japan domestic bases for multi-language translation, website development and verification
  • The services include building 24/7 operational framework
  • Offer English support desk services

Customer Support Services

Support multi-channel

Multilingual operators provide support in various languages via multi-channel including call, e-mail and chat

  • Optimize cost by leveraging Japan domestic and offshore bases

Application Development Services

Deliver quality development services equivalent to or surpassing that of Japan

  • Develop diverse services with a focus on CMS
  • Conduct end-to-end project management from design, development to system testing. Our dedicated quality management team offers high-quality service which meets Japanese quality standards
  • Sign laboratory contract with us and we provide overseas production and maintenance bases for our clients. Our dedicated engineers that are well-versed in Japanese development process provide services in the dedicated development environment which is built on organized infrastructure
  • Develop high-value systems, flexibly accommodating the clients’ needs, using hybrid solutions that mix agile with traditional waterfall method

Design and Development Support Services

Realize cost reduction while securing high quality design tasks

  • Provide wide-ranging supports for construction industry, including consulting for design and development, sales promotion, design and development, production and construction
  • Realize both quality and cost reduction by performing mass design tasks in offshore bases under transcosmos’s management


As customer contact points continue to diversify, transcosmos provides a wide range of customer care services such as “Information”, “Customer Support”, “Technical Support”, and “Repair Support” for technical inquiries of products and services, through voice/non-voice and other channels.

Also, we automate our clients’ call center operations through cost center management by utilizing IT technologies with our customer care know-how gained from years of experience, thereby improving customer convenience and our customers' operational and cost efficiency.

Technical Support

We provide high quality contact center services by utilizing years of experience and the proven track records of technical support.

  • Offer technical support services for various products including IT products (PCs, smartphones, tablets, etc.), consumer electronics (air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, etc.), as wells as automobiles and more.

Information Customer Support

Improve customer convenience and streamline operation/cost efficiency

  • Support for general inquiry handling, plus customer care operations requiring call center certifications.
  • Optimize our clients’ call center operations through cost center management by utilizing automation technologies.

Knowledge Management

Utilize the customer care service know-how accumulated in the contact center operations

  • Build/maintain a FAQ website and create its contents based on log activity analysis.
  • Provide services to various industries, such as the IT industry for technical inquiries, finance, distribution, public utilities and more.

Omni-channel Support

Support diversification of digital communications

  • Support our clients’ customer center omni-channelization utilizing our contact center operation know-how in the latest technologies such as phone calls, email, chat, knowledge management, interactive voice response, AI, and more.

Emergency Contact Center Services

Support for emergencies such as product recall, leakage of customer information, and more

  • Setup a customer center rapidly in the event of an emergency and provide one-stop support services from notification, setting up a hotline, collection of defective products to replacement delivery.


We offer services to build customer engagement by providing optimal communication and optimizing our customers’ operations. We support the implementation and operation of technologies for the various channels (such as email, chat, SMS, remote, fax, direct mail, and onsite visit) required for clients’ contact centre operation

Customer Relationship Management

Provide CRM with customization to meet customer requirements

  • Contribute our clients efforts to track consumers’ purchasing behaviors and increase customer loyalty and satisfaction through optimal CRM implementation.
  • Contact-Link, Salesforce, and Oracle Service Cloud

Non-voice Services

Support for various messaging apps including LINE and Webchat

  • Offer non-voice services for smartphone users on top of traditional contact center services to support diverse and essential channels.
  • Deliver services that enable clients’ enterprise marketing promotion and customer communication utilizing the LINE platform.
  • Provide non-voice services through both agent-supported chat and chat bot.


Our inbound sales support service improves our customers’ customer purchase frequency and repeat purchase rate by utilizing analysis based on the customer inquiries and activities.

It enhances our clients' sales and sales force optimization through efficient sales approaches such as lead generation, lead nurturing, and sales closing. We offer sales support to make the customers’ call centre more profitable in both inbound and outbound operations with various services including non-voice call centre support (e.g. chat, LINE, etc.).

Inbound Sales

Boost purchase frequency and repeat purchase rate

  • Contributes to client’s sales enhancement, such as motivating purchases, consultation, and the operation of order processing with our quality support

Outbound Sales

Contact appropriate customers and generate leads by leveraging our abundant know-how and past cases with our proven track record in call center service

  • Offer services such as telemarketing (e.g. conducting surveys, providing information, etc.), introduction of product/service, sales promotion, and customer retention
  • Create specific scripts based on the customer needs and offer outbound call center services to improve quality of clients’ services/products by leveraging our abundant know-how and past cases with our proven track record

Closing New Accounts

As an inside sales professional, we support our clients’ sales activities from new customer acquisition to sales closing

  • Nurture leads and closing sales through inside sales approaches such as email and phone calls rather than the face-to-face sales approach
  • Contribute to our clients’ sales enhancement by a direct sales approach

Sales Retention

Retain existing customers to earn their loyality and increase sales by effective customer retention approaches

  • Retain the right customers at the right time such as subscription renewal and regular purchasing period, and maintain our clients’ sales momentum
  • Fulfill required number of sales resources and provide follow-up support to retain existing customers

Field Service

Contribute to our clients’ sales activities through our field services

  • Offer customer support and store operation service, linked to the contact center support at the clients’ booths and stores through our dispatched sales forces
  • Provide field service such as in-store logistics and campaign store operations through our dispatched sales forces


In our current business environment, where most companies’ databases are generated and grown by their day-to-day activities, we feel that they are not used to their full potential. Just collecting and keeping track of the customers seems not enough now. Big Data needs to be used smartly and efficiently. The challenge, however, is that it requires professional, multi-talented and skilful manpower, such as marketing researchers and data scientists who can handle IT, statistics and business execution and implementation.

Good news is, we can do this for you!

Through our KPO’s segment, transcosmos analytics will offer direct marketing techniques and telemarketing outsourcing and consulting services conducted by a professional group. Through the combination and flexibility of our skills, a wide range of research and analytics and the most advanced DB/BI technologies, we will help you increase your profitability and added value.

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